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VT 08 514 ROLAND
39081 VT08
Spezial Vorstellung VT 08 5 Roland (121)
Lima VT 08.5 cross Roco BR 01.10 with 1958 Nord West Express section Osnabrück--Hamburg.
Lima VT 08.5 cross Trix V 200 with 1958 Nord--West Express section Arnhem--Osnabrück
Probefahrt Minitrain VT 08
Lima VT 08.5 cross Roco BR 01.10 with 1958 Nord-West Express section Osnabrück-- Hamburg1
BR VT08 506 (DB) H0 Verbrennungs - Triebzug Baureihe VT 08 Lima 149820K - Slideshow
Roland - Aira VT-3 Demo @ Musitechnic
Roland - Aira TB-3 Demo @ Musitechnic
Scoper & Bubba "Just like that" live jam on Roland Aira TR8, TB3, System 1, VT3 & MX1
Short Landing at basin Harbor, VT